Friday, September 23, 2011

Is It Fall Or Spring?

According to the calendar today is the first day of autumn. The days and nights are currently equal lengths.
Not according to the crocus... It thinks it's spring. What could better demonstrate how cold our spring and summer have been?
Holly McHugh

Friday, September 16, 2011

Harvest Time!

I bet you thought this would be a post about tomatoes and lettuce.
Nope! It's about marigolds and lettuce!

Now is the time to let some of that lettuce and coriander go to seed so you can harvest the seeds. If you received the heirloom marigold seeds 'free with purchase' this spring then you are in luck! I've been impatiently watching the marigolds through the summer so I could grab their seeds. I was able to get thousands (guess what you're getting for Christmas) so I'm already feeling hungry for spring planting. These are direct sow... Some of my marigolds re-seeded themselves and new ones are coming up now. It's likely they will not enjoy the cold that comes soon.

Now, if you do want those tomato seeds you'll need to let the tomato ripen and then decompose. Yes, really. The acid in the tomato will dissolve an outer coating on the tomato making it possible to germinate. Growing tomatoes from seed is only for the bravest souls. I am probably not that person.

Happy Harvesting!
Holly McHugh

Thursday, September 8, 2011

No Photos Please

This is the morning I water the neighborhood flowers. The small entrance to the tract that I'm attempting to populate with hardy, drought tolerant species that sport colorful flowers. It's been fairly successful. I've lost a pansy or two along the way but I am developing a greener thumb.
Today I crawled under the flowering tree that guards the hose and found this gorgeous spider. Don't get me wrong, she scared the pants off me at first (she's a big girl!) but we developed a nervous friendship. Read as: I shivered and she ignored me.
I moved part of her web, just grabbed the part that was in my way and attached it to another branch. When I came back later she was using the portion I moved and had set up shop again. She is so adept at having a transient existence that she doesn't seem to mind when someone comes along and stirs things up.
So I'm standing under that flowering tree writing a post (with one eye on her in case of sudden movements) thinking that I want to be that flexible. I want to be comfortable with change and movement as well as the unknown. I'm going to get through most things with the resilience I've developed so far and where that doesn't work I will learn and adapt. I'm actually made to do just that!
So... It's time to re-read the inside of my wedding ring... Ancora Imparo. I'm learnin'.
And getting the hell out from under this tree.
Thanks husband... Me too.
Holly McHugh

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Lately I've been talking about adding bees to our menagerie. Hubby thinks I'm a little crazy (what's new) to add any new animals. He might suggest I'm nesting but I think our three teenagers are enough to remind me why we don't want more kids.
This barnyard animal craze started when my plan to have chickens was thwarted by the HOA. Getting 90% of the homeowners to agree to anything is just not feasible. Quite a few of the neighbors suggested I not ask next time... just do it. I think if the bees happen that is the path I will take.
So... This picture is of a bee hanging out on my asters. I start smiling when I think about having a hive in my backyard. I might need to move first but it'll happen someday!
Holly McHugh

Project Time

I've wanted to do this project for months. I'm finally taking on the challenge and turning this log into something wonderful. I'll post pictures of the finished product later.
Holly McHugh